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Sunday, 17 August 2014


TV ADDICTION           
  (Marie Winn)
                                              “TV Addiction” is a highly thought-provoking, moralizing and advisable essay written by Marie Winn. She is the author of ten children’s books. She is known for her special interest in the effects of television on children. This essay has been extracted from her famous book “Television, children and Family”.

                                             In this essay, the writer suggests that television addiction resembles drug addiction like heroin or alcohol. She warms us that the similarity is more than imaginary because TV addiction had real and life-damaging consequences. It can cause people to lose their jobs, families and normal life. It is a problem of the same magnitude as that of an addiction. Hence, it should paid special attention.
                   We can discuss this essay under the following headings:

(1). Addiction and its nature
                                       According to the writer, the word “addiction” is often used joking in conversations. People use it to express a tendency to overindulge in some pleasurable activity. They usually ignore its destructive aspects. No doubt, the essence of every serious addiction is a pleasure that normal life does not provide. However, it becomes destructive when a person becomes too dependent on some additive substance to function normally without it. Thus he needs to repeat it again and again. A heroin addict leads a damaged life. He may get a temporary pleasure but soon the urge starts again. His increasing need for heroin stops him from working, maintaining relationships and developing in proper human ways. The same is the case of an alcoholic. So, they never get satisfied. In this context, TV viewing may also be called an addiction like other addictions.
(2). T.V.  Viewing---a Harmful Addiction
                                                                     According to the writer, TV viewing is thought a pleasurable activity its too much dependence becomes a serious addiction. It can cause serious problems and should not be ignored. It affects a TV addict’s life in the following ways.

Firstly, a TV addict goes out of the real world of activity and enters a pleasurable, passive and imaginative world. He forgets the worries and anxieties of the real life. He neglects the other real life activities to watch TV.

Secondly, a TV addict loses control over himself and becomes helpless. He finds televisions almost irresistible. When the TV is on, he cannot ignore it. Thus he keeps on sitting in front of the TV for hours and hours.

Thirdly, a TV addict’s life becomes imbalanced like a drug addict’s or alcoholic’s. He neglects the activities that lead to growing or sense of accomplishment. He spends most of his time in unproductive experience of TV 
viewing. He thinks that he should do others but he cannot read, play games or chat with his friends.

Fourthly, the habit of television distorts the sense of time which is the most precious in the modern world, it weakens human relationship. A TV addict has no time to communicate with others. To him, all the others aspects of life lose their charm before TV viewing.

Lastly, the worst curse of TV viewing is that is does not satisfy the viewer. It increases the thirst for TV viewing and does not provide any true nourishment. Hence, a TV addict finds that he cannot stop watching TV.

              We may conclude the essay saying that the writer has advised the viewers to cheek their habit of
Excessively watching the TV, otherwise they will become its addicts like the drug or alcoholic addicts with the passage of time. It will ruin their personality and social relationships. They can, however, watch the TV programs For the sake of amusement, but not at the cost of other activities and experiences of life.

                                                         TEXTUAL QUESTION

Q-1.Do you agree with Marie Winn that excess TV watching is a problem of the same magnitude as an addiction?

   Ans:  G.I + summary + conclusion

Q-2.Reformed drug abuses, these days, are taught to avoid places where they might feel tempted. Few families would be willing to get rid of their television, what methods cam parents or individuals adopt to prevent or lessen TV addiction?

Ans: TV addition is a serious problem which has adverse effects. However, no one of us would like to completely get rid of the TV watching. We can adopt a few such methods as may prevent or lessen TV addiction which are as under.

(1):  We should by to wake up early in the morning. Say our morning prayers in time and go out for a walk. In this way, we will certainly feel ourselves inclined to go to bed early. This will help overcome the habit of excessive TV watching and make us healthy, wealthy and wise.

(2): The parents should cheek if the TV is switched off at the right time so that the children can go to the bed early and rise early. They should not allow them to watch it till late at night.

  (3): TV addiction can be lessened by making some other healthy programs for family members such as visiting some historical places, zoo, museum or picnic spot. It will definitely make our mind fresh and improve our health.

(4): We should develop our social and family relations which our relatives and friends. It will enhance our relations and lessen excess TV viewing.

(5): We should develop a habit of reading books, newspapers and magazines. These are never-failing friends and stand by us thought thick and thin. Reading habit will provide us the true nourishment and prevent TV addiction.

                                                         UNIVERSITY QUESTION
Q-1 do you agree with Marie Winn that excess TV watching is a problem of the same magnitude as an addiction?
Comments on Marie Winn’s statement: “in a way a heavy viewer’s life is as unbalanced by his TV habit as a drug addict’s or an alcoholic’s?”
Is Marie Winn justified in saying that excess TV viewing is something like an addiction?
Write a critical analysis of the essay “TV Addiction” by Marine Win.
                 Ans : G.I + summary  + conclusion
Q-2, What is addiction in Marie Winn’s view?
What do you understand by addiction and its nature?
What is the meaning of addiction according to Marie Winn?
Ans: G.I/ theme + summary (1) + conclusion (short)
Q-3.  discuss TV viewing as a serious or harmful addiction.
What are the effects of TV addiction? Discuss in the light of this essay.
Ans: Theme/ G.I + summary (2) + conclusion(short)

                                                                                                                 Notes prepared by
                                                                                                                 SHAHID MAQBOOL

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